EMS System Redesign
Marsh EMS Consulting will deliver a system observation, system audit, dispatch analysis, and operational performance review. This will yield an after action report identifying areas of successes and areas in need of improvement consideration.
Over the last 27 years Marsh has participated in many Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system changes and designs. Having responded to and created multiple request for Formal Proposals, Marsh has a unique expertise in assisting other agencies in their pursuit of a better EMS System. Being faced with new challenges such as staffing shortages, response delays, and increased wall times for ambulances, a collaborative approach will assist in better outcomes and employee morale.
Complex EMS systems require a synergistic approach to mitigation. With each system come: unique demands, requirements, and challenges. Marsh brings past experiences, responses, and failures to the table for all to share and work with. The result for all parties involved is a better patient experience and outcome. With experience in several types of markets such as public private partnerships, subcontractor relationships, 3rd service; Marsh brings real life experiences to the table of mitigation and success.